Rezultatele căutării
Am găsit 19 freelanceri. pentru categoria iOS
MDM specialist
I'm a skilled MDM engineer with a focus on delivering seamless and secure mobile experiences for our organization's users. I leverage my expertise in various MDM platforms (Intune, AirWatch, and SCCM...
Intune 4 AirWatch 4 CRM (Customer Relationship Management) 9 Suport 24/7 9 Suport de nivel 2 și 3 5 Microsoft Office 365 6 Windows Server 3 SCCM (System Center Configuration Manager) 1 iOS 5 Android 10
iOS 3
Full Stack & DevOps
For the past four years, I've been immersed in the realm of backend development, honing my skills and crafting innovative solutions. My journey has been marked by hands-on experience with Node.js...
Node.js 4 MongoDB 4 Docker 4 Kubernetes 3 PostgreSQL 4 TypeScript 4 Dezvoltare iOS 1 mySQL 4 Git 4 Amazon Web Services (AWS) 3
Senior Software developer
Thank you for taking your valuable time! ✅ Website Development ✔️Responsive Web Development - HTML5/PHP/CSS/Bootstrap/JS ✔️JavaScript Frameworks: (jQuery,react.js, vue.js, angular.js, node.js,...
React 4 React (JavaScript library) 4 React Native 4 AngularJS 3 PHP 3 LabView 3 JavaScript 3 HTML 3 CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) 3 Android 3 iOS 3
Managemnt operational start’up uri
Dezvolt si acctivez diferite start’up uri , managemnt operational in echipa Activez si promovez acctivitatii in natura si copii Drumetii , offrode, biker, bikla, Abilitati in comunicare si vanzarii
iOS 6
Full-stack Developer
În calitate de dezvoltator de software, îmi propun să dezvolt aplicații web construite cu diverse tehnologii. Primele mele specializări sunt în MERN și MEAN stack. Îmi folosesc abilitățile, pasiunea...
Web development 4 Dezvoltare Android 2 Dezvoltare iOS 2
QA Software Tester
I am a QA Engineer based in Romania, with 3+ years of experience into iOS/Android mobile, web and API. Skills: Android Studio, Git, Jira, SQL Database, Excel, AWS, Postman, Gherkin. From others...
Managementul tehnic al calității / QS / QA 3 Android 3 iOS 3
Software developer
Am terminat facultatea de Automatica si Calculatoare, master în Sisteme distribuite și tehnologii web. Am participat la numeroase concursuri de IT, la care am obținut și premii. Locul 1 la...
Dezvoltare Android 3 Dezvoltare iOS 3 Web development 5
Udrea Ovidiu
Hello, my name is Udrea Ovidiu. My goal is to work in a good company where I enhance my knowledge and my skill and show my talent. I want to get a very respectable position where I make my parents to...
Cyber Security Practitioner (CSP) 1 Jira 1 Microsoft Office 365 7 Microsoft Windows 7 Windows 10 7 Android 7 iOS 7 SAP - basic administration (BC) 7 IT service management (ITSM) 7 ServiceNow 4
Swift (Apple) 2 Flutter 3 Spring 1 iOS 2 Objective-C 1
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